Vicente Riambau Alonso
Angiology and vascular surgery
Serving specialties:
- Angiología, Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular
Hospitals where he/she works:
- Centro Médico Teknon
General Information
Born April 8, 1960
- Director of VR Vascular Centre, SLPen Centro Médico Teknon of Barcelona since 2001.
- Medical Director of the Sala Planell of the Vascular Institute at Centro Médico Teknon of Barcelona, from 2005 until 2007.
- Chief of Vascular Surgery at the Cardiovascular Institute of Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
- Coordinador of the Endovascular Surgery Program at the Cardiovascular Institute, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (University of Barcelona) since 2003.
- Professor of Surgery at the University of Barcelona since 1993.
- Coordinator of the University Master (Advanced Medical Competencies, University of Barcelona, since 2012).
- PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonymous University of Barcelona.
- Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and Specialist in Vascular Surgery since 1990.
- Vascular Fellowship for five years at the Hospital de Sant Pau of Barcelona.
- Completed Fellowship at the Texas Heart Institute (Houston, Texas, EUA) in1988, at the Hospital of Rangueil (Toulouse, France) in 1989 and at the McMaster University Hospital (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) in 1990.
Research and teaching
Scientific Activity
- President and Founder of the Endovascular Foundation (since 2015).
- President of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) (2009-2011).
- Director of the International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics (SITE).
- Member elect of the International Committee of the Society of Endovascular Specialists. (ISES), (1998-2006).
- President of the American Society of Angiology, Spanish chapter, since 2004.
- Vice President of the International Society of Vascular Surgery (ISVS) (2007-2009).
- Member of leading international and national Societies of the Vascular specialty, among them:
- Elected Member of ESA (European Surgical Association) (Since 2011).
- Member of SVS (Society for Vascular Surgery) (since 2012).
- Honorary Member of SCVS (Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery) (since 2012).
- International Andreas Gruentzig Society - Elected Membership. Since 2011.
- Secretary of the Executive Committee of EUROSTAR, 1998-2007.
- Chancellor of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), from 2006-2009.
- Advisor of the Executive Board of the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (ESCVS) (since 2006).
- Accessor/Advisor of agencies, pharmaceutical laboratory, manufacturing and sanitary devices and groups of health research.
- Has been invited to the most prestigious international conferences of endovascular and vascular surgery (USA, Europe, Asia, Latín America, África and the Middle East)
- Editorial Director of "Técnicas Endovasculares" ("Endovascular Techniques"), since 2003.
- Chief Editor of ISES Newsletter (International Society for Endovascular Specialists). (2004-2006).
- Member of Editorial Boards of 15 international scientific journals, among them, the Vascular Journal of ISVS (International Society for Vascular Surgery), the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (European Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery) and Official Representative of Angiology of SEACV-The Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery)
- Author of more than 350 articles in national and international journals and more than 70 book chapters on pathology of vascular disease and vascular and endovascular surgery.
- Invited for more than 300 presentations in International Conferences, among them:
- VEITH meeting NY, USA (Faculty Member since 2002).
- Charing Cross, London, UK (Faculty Member since 2002).
- LINC, Leipzig, Germany (Regular Faculty Member since 2008).
- VIVA, Las Vegas, NV, USA, (Regular Faculty Member since 2012).
- ISES, Phoenix, AZ, USA (Regular Faculty Member since 2010).
- ESVS Annual Meeting (Regular Faculty member of European Society for Vascular Surgery since 2009).
- SVS Annual Meeting (Society for Vascular Surgery, 2007 and 2011).
- SCVS Annual Meeting (Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 2011).
- ESCVS Annual Meeting (European Society for Cardio-Vascular Surgery).
- ESC Annual Meeting (European Society of Cardiology).
- EACTS Annual Meeting (European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, 2008).
- JSVS Annual Meeting (Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery 2014).
Awards and certifications
- 1989 Catalunyan Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Josep Valls I Serra Prize for the Best Presentation during the year 1988’89, entitled "Laser Angioplasty: Past, Present and Future."
- 1990 Catalunyan Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Josep Valls i Serra Prize for the best presentation during the year 1989-90, entitled "Clinical Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis Using Monoclonal Antibodies."
- 1993 Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Prize for the Best Presentation of the National Congress, Vigo, June 1993. "Early Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis: Comparing between the Levels of Captación de LDL, IgG y Endothelin-1".
- 1994 Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, best article published in the Journal of Angiology, Salamanca, June 1994. "Renal Sonogram: Clinical Use," M.Miralles, A. Giménez, MA. Cairols, V. Riambau, A. Saez. Angiología 1993; 45: 20-26
- 1995 Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Fernando Martorell Prize for the best presentation offered during the National Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Granada, June, 1995. "Use of Monoclonales Antibodies in the Detection of Atherogenic Activity of Carotid Stenosis: Clinical Significance" V. Riambau, L. Prat, I. Carrió, J. Pieri, A. Chamorro, J.Mulet.
- 1995 Prize of the Spanish Association of Vascular Nursing (AEEV), for the best presentation offered. Cristina Buenaventura, Araceli Martínez, V Riambau :"Dietary and Insulin Control of Diabetic Patients Admitted to the Vascular Surgery Operating Room." Granada 1995
- 1998 Prize of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery for the best thesis presented in the year 1997 on subjects of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Prize financially supported by SERVIER Laboratory.
- 2000 Prize of SERAM for the best Poster presented during the National Conference of the Spanish Radiological Medical Society. Madrid, May 2000. "Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms by Covered Stents." Blasco J, Burrel M, Real M, Montañá X, Ayuso JR, Riambau V.
- 2001 Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Fernando Martorell Prize for the best presentation offered during the National Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Conference, Bilbao 2001. "Innocuousness of Embolization of Hypogastrics in the Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms"
- 2001 Becton Dickinson Prize, VII ESRA Local Meeting (European Society of Regional Anesthesia and Treatment of Pain) for the best presentation offered. C. Gomar, P. Matute, L. Salvador, C. Roux, J. Fontanals, V. Riambau. "Epidural Anesthesia for Repair of Endovascular Aortic Aneurysms." Cadiz, October, 2001.
- 2002 The Goya Prize from the Spanish-speaking Society of Vascular Surgery, for the best presentation offered C. García-Madrid, V Riambau, CA Mestres, G. Sánchez, M. Josa, J. Mulet. "Comparative Analysis: Endovascular vs. Conventional Surgery in the Treatment of Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysms". Miami, 2002.
- 2004 Prize for the best presentation offered at the Fifth International Symposium of Endovascular Therapeutics. San Sebastián, March 2004. "Intentional Occlusion of the Left Subclavian Artery without the Need for Revascularization in the Application of Thoracic Endografts".
- 2005 Prize for the best publication on Endovascular Surgery, Chapter on Endovascular Surgery of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, 2006.
- "Failed EVAR can always be managed endovascularly: a seven year experience" In JP Becquemin, D Loisance and J Watelet eds. Controversies and update in Vascular and Cardiovascular Surgery. París, Athelier Phoenix, 2005; pp:127-132
- 2010 The best medical innovative idea. Medical Diary, SPAIN
- 2011 The best clinical study. Catalunyan Society of Nephrology. XXVIII Annual Meeting of SCN, Mollet, 1-3 June 2011.
- 2011 The best poster presentation at National Congress of Spanish Society for Vascular Surgery: "Endovascular treatment of penetrating ulcers." Valladolid June 2011.
- 2012 Pioneer on Excellence in European Vascular Surgery. April'12
- 2012 Gold Medal of the Forum, Europe 2001, April 2012
- Member of the lntemational Andreas Gruentzig Society (Switzerland).
- Miember of the ESA (European Surgical Association).
- Member of BIMA (Barcelona International Medical Academy).
- European Pioneer in Performance in Vascular Surgery 2011.
- Visiting Professor of Stanford (USA), Pittsburgh (USA) and Belgrade (Serbia) Universities.