Augusto Anguita Guimet
Family and community medicine
Serving specialties:
- Maritime Medicine
- Family Medicine
Hospitals where he/she works:
- Centro Médico Teknon
General Information
- Doctor for Internal Medicine Services BCN at Centro Médico Teknon in Barcelona.
- Doctor specialized in family and community medicine.
- Doctor specialized in maritime medicine at Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona.
- Director of patient care and consultant physician at CAPSBE (Corporació Sanitària Hospital Clínic).
- Doctor for multiple airline companies, maritime companies and consulates in the city of Barcelona.
- Advisor for the Merchbanc Health Care and Biotechnology Fund.
- Attending physician for the Internal Clinical Medicine Service of Pilar-Sant Jordi in Barcelona from 1998-2012.
- Completed a Fellowship Program at the Cardiovascular Institute of the Mount Sinai Medical Center (Prof. Valentín Fuster) and the Internal Medicine Grand Rounds of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York (USA).
- Trained in Management in the Medical Sector at IESE (Barcelona).
- Collaborating professor for the undergraduate degree of the teaching unit of MFiC Clínic-Maternitat in Barcelona.
- Author of over 50 lectures at congresses and publications in scientific journals, both nationally and internationally.