Augusto Anguita Mateu
Internal medicine
Serving specialties:
- Maritime Medicine
- Internal Medicine
Hospitals where he/she works:
- Centro Médico Teknon
General Information
- Founder and physician for Internal Medicine Services BCN at Centro Médico Teknon in Barcelona.
- Doctor specialized in internal medicine.
- Expert in international and maritime medicine and founder of Barcelona Cruise Medical.
- Head of Internal Medicine and Emergencies at Clínica del Pilar-Sant Jordi in Barcelona for over 30 years.
- Head of Emergency Services at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.
- Member of the Editorial Committee of the medical journal Emergencias.
- Member of the Spanish Committee of the EMIP (European Myocardial Infarction Program).
- Founding member of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine.
- Member of the Spanish Toxicology Society.
- Member of the Academy of Medical Science of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
- Co-author of the books Urgencias en Medicina, Urgencias, and Balance español contra el Infarto de miocardio.