

iDr. Rudolf Morgenstern is an orthopaedic spine surgeon who has been officially certified to perform Kyphoplasty (vertebroplasty with a balloon and low pressure cementation).

Kyphoplasty is the fastest and easiest method to relieve the pain in cases of vertebral fracture, to restore the original vertebral height and to avoid the fracture of adyecent vertebrae because of ostheoporosis.

Kyphoplasty is performed with minimal invasive surgery with two incisions, parallel to the spine, of only 3 mm diameter each. The patient will be able to walk the same day of the operation and no orthopaedic corset or long-time rest in bed is necessary.

Cifoplastia_02Kyphoplasty is much safer than vertebroplasty, because a space is created inside the fractured vertebra with a balloon that restores the original height of the vertebra. This space is then filled with plastic cement by low-pressure injection.

In vertebroplasty no space is created with the balloon and the cement is injected with high pressure, with the risk of invading the medular canal, vessels or near tissues, while the original vertebral height is not restored. Thus, Kyphoplasty is the most modern and safe method to increase the quality o life of a patient suffering pain because of fractured vertebrae.

Cifoplastia_05Female, Age: 55 years, Fracture L2 right. Cifoplastia_03Kyphoplasty with balloon. Fracture of DX and DXI
Kyphoplasty of L2
Dr. Morgenstern while performing a Kyphoplasty

Cifoplastia_08Kyphoplasty with balloon performed on five levels
by Dr. Morgenstern. Female patient with age 80 years,
with inmediate erect walking after the intervention.