Eloy Espín Basany
- Cirugía General y Aparato Digestivo
- Coloproctología
- Cirugía colorectal
- Centro Médico Teknon
Situación laboral actual:
- Jefe de Unidad (Unidad de colon y recto/Servicio de Cirugia General) Hospital Valle de Hebrón (desde 2005)
- Cirujano Staff del Centro Médico Teknon
Actual Academic position:
- Profesor titular de Universidad.
- Departamento de Cirugía
- Facultad de Medicina
- Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (desde 2009)
1.- Titulo de especialista en Cirugía General y del Aparato Digestivo
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Hospital General Universitario Vall d’Hebron
Servicio de Cirugía General ( Dr. Manuel Armengol Carrasco ).
21 de Diciembre de 1997
2.- Grado de doctor.
Premio extraordinario de doctorado
Calificación: Excelente "cum laude" por unanimidad
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
"Preparación preoperatoria para la timectomia en la miastenia gravis.
Influencia del factor S7 de la IgG".
8 de Noviembre de 1999.
3- Experto en Cirugía Colorrectal
Universidad de Navarra
14 de Mayo de 1999.
4.- European Board of Coloproctology
Union Europea de Especialidades Medicas (UEMS)
Maastricht, 13 de septiembre de 2001
5.- International Fellow
American Society of Colon and Rectum Surgeons (ASCRS).
Boston, Junio, 2008
Investigación actual
Profilaxis antibiótica parenteral vs oral + parenteral en cirugía colónica: ensayo clínico prospectivo, randomizado, controlado y multicéntrico (Estudio ORALEV)
Número EudraCT: 2011-001330-42
P.I.: Dr Eloy Espin
Direcció i alliberament farmacologic
P.I.Dr Simó Schwartz
Entidad financiadora: AGAUR
Characterization of new molecular features of Wnt/beta-catenin and PI3K/AKT signalling pathways and their relevance in normal and cancer stem cells physiology.
P.I.: Dr Hector García Palmer . VHIR
Validación de Aprataxina como biomarcador de respuesta a Irinotecan en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal (TRANSCAN)
P.I.: Dr Diego Arango
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI12/03103
-Reconstrucción del transito intestinal tras la exéresis total del mesorecto en la cirugía del cancer de recto. Comparación de dos técnicas.Estudio prospectivo y randomizado
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI10/01875 (Beca FIS)
Investigador proncipal: Dr Eloy Espin Basany
Fecha: 2010-2016
Importe: 27951€
Estudio clínico y aleatorizado para evaluar la eficacia de la neuroestimulación del nervio tibial posterior en el síndrome de resección anterior baja.
Investigador principal: Dr Eloy Espín
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI13/02608 (Beca FIS)
Fecha : 2013 -2017
Total financiado: 46.585,00 €
"Validación de un cuestionario sobre la función intestinal tras proctocolectomía restauradora con reservorio ileal" (PR(AG)300/2015)
Investigador principal: Dr Eloy Espín
Promotor: Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca)
Fecha: 2015-2016
Estudio piloto de tratamiento ambulatorio sin antibióticos en contexto de diverticulitis.
P.I: Dra Nuria Ortega
Directors: Dr JL Sanchez y Dr E Espín
ESCP Pan-European snapshot audit of right hemicolectomy / Ileo-caecal resection operations 2015
Promotor: ESCP (European Society of Coloproctology)
Date: 2015
EuroSurg1: Obesity in major gastrointestinal surgery.
Código protocolo: PR(AG)377/2015
Promotor: ESCP (European Society of Coloproctology)
Fecha: 2015-2016
GlobalSurg-2: Determining the worldwide epidemiology of surgical site infections after gastrointestinal surgery.
Código protocolo: Fecha: 2016-2017
- Autor de más de 250 presentaciones en congresos y reuniones nacionales 250 y de 100 internaciopnales.
- Autor / Co-autor de 44 publicaciones en revistas nacionales y de 79 internacionales.
- Autor of 17 capítulos de libros.
Publicaciones internacionales (últimos años)
Decision-making algorithm for the STARR procedure in obstructed defecation syndrome: position statement of the group of STARR pioneers.
Schwandner O, Stuto A, Jayne D, Lenisa L, Pigot F, Tuech JJ, Scherer R, Nugent K, Corbisier F, Espin E, Hetzer F.
Surgical Innovation, 2008; 15:105-109
Preoperative chemoradiotherapy wih UFT and leucovorin in patients with advanced rectal cancer: a phase II study.
Giralt J, tabernero J, Navalpotro B, Capdevila J, Espin E, Casado E, Mañes A, Landolfi S, Sanchez JL, DeTorres I, Armengol M.
Radiotherapy and oncology, 2008, Dec; 89 (3): 263-9.
Laparoscopic assisted rectosigmoidectomy with ileal loop interposition. Surgical treatment of Chagasic megacolon.
Espin E, Vallribera F, Lopez Cano M, Lozoya R, Sanchez JL, Armengol M.
Diseases of the colon &Rectum; 2008, (51): 1421 (Multimedia article)
Prospective multicentre clinical trial of stapled transanal rectal resection for obstructive defecation syndrome.
Arroyo A, Gonzalez X, Garcia M, Espin E, De la Portilla F, Perez F, Calpena R.
British Journal of Surgery 2008; 95: 1521-1527
Lactobacillus casei downregulates commensals inflammatory signals in Crohn’s disease.
Llopis M, Antolín M, Carol M, Borruel N, Casellas F, Martinez C, Espin E, Guarner F, Malagelada JR
Inflamm Bowel Dis 2009; 15: 275-283
Cavernous hemangioma: unusual benign tumor of the transverse colon.
Vilallonga R, Espin E, Armengol M.
Turk J Gastroenterol 2009; 20: 146-9.
STARR with Contour Transtar: prospective multicentre european study.
Lenisa L, Schwandner O, Stuto A, Jayne D, Piogt F, Tuech JJ, Scherer R, Nugent K, Corbisier F, Espin E, Hetzer F.
Colorectal Dis 2009 , 11 (9), 821-827
Prosthetic mesh in parastomal hernia prevention. laparoscopic approach.
Lopez Cano M, Lozoya R, Espin E.
Dis Colon &Rectum 2009; 52: 1006-7
Quality of mesorectum after laparoscopic resection for rectal cancer. Results of an audited teaching programme in Spain.
Biondo S, Ortiz H, Lujan J, Codina A, Espin E, Garcia-Granero E, Kreisler E, De Miguel M, Alos R, Echevarria E.
Colorectal Dis 2010 , 12 (1),24-32
Aprataxin tumor levels predict response of colorectal cancer patients to irinotecan-based treatment.
Dopeso H, Mateo-Lozano S, Elez E, Landolfi S, Ramos Pascual FJ, Hernandez-Losa J, Mazzolini R, Rodrigues P, Bazzocco S, Carreras MJ, Espin E, Armengol M, Wilson AJ, Mariadason JM, Ramon Y Cajal S, Tabernero J, Schwartz S Jr, Arango D.
Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Apr 15;16(8):2375-82. Epub 2010
Apr 6. PubMed PMID: 20371676.
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia: surgical pathology report guidelines.
Sanjuan X, Salas A, Lloreta J, Manchon Walsh P and Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia Group.
Clin Transl Oncol. 2010 Mar;12(3):211-3. PubMed PMID: 20231125.
Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia
Manchon Walsh P, Borras JM, Ferro T, Espinos JA; Colorectal Cancer OncoGuia Group
Clin Transl Oncol. 2010 Mar;12(3):188-210.
PubMed PMID: 20231124.
Anal fistula plug is a valid alternative option for the treatment of complex anal fistula in the long term.
Lenisa L, Espin E, Rusconi A, Mascheroni L, Escoll J, Lozoya R, Vallrbera F, Megevand J.
Int J Colorectal Dis 2010 (12) 1487-93
Multivisceral resection for colon cancer: analysis of prognostic factors.
Lopez Cano M, Mañas MJ, Hermosilla E, Espin E.
Dig Surg 2010; 27: 238-245
Surgical site infection in elective operations for colorectal cancer after the application of preventive measures.
Serra X, Garcia- Domingo M, Parés D, Espin E, Biondo S, Guirao X, Orrego C, Sitges-Serra A.
Arch Surg 2011; 146: 606-612
Assessing the effectiveness of a guideline recommendation for pre-operative radiochemotherapy in rectal cancer.
Manchon P, Borras JM, Espinas JA, Aliste L, (Espin E).
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2011; 99: 142-147
Biondo S, Kreisler E, Fraccalvieri D, Basany EE, Codina-Cazador A, Ortiz H.
Colorectal Dis. 2011 Aug 30. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2011.02798.x. e95-102
PMID: 21883813
Influence of rescrubbing before laparotomy closure on abdominal wound infection after colorectal surgery. Results of a multicentric randomized clinical trial.
Ortiz H, Armendariz P, Kreisler E, Garcia Granero E, Espin E, Roig JV, Martin A, Parajo A, Valero G, Martinez M, Biondo S.
Arch Surg 2012; 147 (7): 614-620
doi: 10.1001/archsurg. 2012.150
Brush border myosin Ia has tumor suppresor activity in the intestine.
Mazzolini R, Dopeso H, Mateo-Lozano S, Chang W, Rodrigues P, Bazzocco S, Alazzouzzi H, Landolfi S, Hernandez-Losa J, Andretta E, Alhopuro P, Espin E, Armengol M, Tabernero J, Ramon y Cajal S, Kloor M, Gebert M, Mariadson J, Schwartz S, Aaltonen L, Mooseker M, Arango D.
PNAS 2012; 109 (5): 1530-1535
B-catenin confers resistance to PI3K and AKT inhibitors and subverts FOXO3a to promote metastasis in colon cancer.
Tenbaum SP, Ordoñez-Moran P, Puig O, Chicote I, Arqués O, Landolfi S, Fernández Y, Herance JR, Gispert JD, Mendizabal L, Aguilar S, Cajal SR, Schwartz S Jr, Vivancos A, Espín E, Rojas S, Baselga J, Tabernero J, Muñoz A, Palmer HG.
Nat Med 2012, Mayo 20, doi: 10.1038/nm.2772
Lujan J, Valero G, Biondo S, Espin E, Parrilla P, Ortiz H.
Surg Endosc. 2012 Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22736289 DOI 10.1007/s00464-012-2444-8
hSMC2, a Core Subunit of Human Condensin Complex, is a Novel Transcriptional Target of the Wnt Signaling Pathway and a New Therapeutic Target*
Verónica Dávalos, Lucía Súarez-López, Julio Castaño, Anthea Messent, Ibane Abasolo, Yolanda Fernandez, Angel Guerra-Moreno, Eloy Espín, Manel Armengol, Eva Musulen, Aurelio Ariza, Joan Sayós, Diego Arango, Simó Schwartz Jr
J Biol Chem 2012; 287: 43472-43481
Use of a prosthetic mesh to prevent parastomal hernia during laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection: a randomized controlled trial.
Lopez Cano M, Lozoya R, Quiroga S, Sanchez JL, Vallribera F, Marti M, Jimenez LM, Armengol M, Espin E.
Hernia 2012, Online July, 11, 2012.
ISSN 1265-4906 DOI: 10.1007/s10029-012-0952-z
International Validation of the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Score.
Juul T, Ahlberg M, Biondo S, Emmertsen KJ, Espin E, Jimenez LM, Matzel KE, Palmer G, Sauermann A, Trenti L, Zhang W, Laurberg S, Christensen P.
Ann Surg. 2013 Apr 17. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 23598379 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0B013e31828fac0b
ISSN: 003-4932/13/00000-0001
EURECCA colorectal: multidisciplinary mission statement on better care for ptients with colon and rectal cancer in Europe. Vande Velde C, Aristei C, Boelens P, Beets-Tan R, Blomvqvist L, Borras JM, Van der Broek C, Brown G, Coebergh J, Cutsem E, Espin E, Gore-Booth J, Glimelius B, Haustermans K, Henning G, Iversen L, Krieken H, Marjinen C, Mroczkowsi P, Nagtegaal I, Naredi P, Ortiz H, Pahlman L, Quirke P, Rodel C, Roth A, Rutten H, Schmoll H, Smith J, Tanis P, Taylor C, Wibe A, GambacorrtaMA, Meldolesi E, Wiggers T, Cervantes A, Valentini V.
Eur J Cancer (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca 2013.04.032
PROSPER: a randomised comparison of surgical treatments for rectal prolapse.
Senapati A, Gray R, Middleton LJ, Harding J, Hills RK, Armitage CM, Buckley L, Northover J on behalf of the PROSPER collaborative group.
Colorectal Disease 2013; 15: 858-870
DOI: 10.1111/codi.12177
Outpatient versus hospitalization management for uncomplicated dverticulitis. A prospective, multicenter randomized clinical trial (DIVER) trial.
Biondo S, Golda T, Kreisler E, Espin E, Vallribera F, Oteiza F, Codina A, Pujadas M, Flor B.
Ann Surg 2014, Jan; 259 (1): 38-44.
ISSN: 003-4932/13/00000-0001
Robotic transanal endoscopic microsurgery in benign rectal tumour.
Vallribera F, Espin E, Jimenez LM, Ribera J, Armengol M.
J Robotic Surg
ISSN 1863-2483
DOI 10.1007/s11701-013-0429-9
A personalized preclinical model to evaluate the metastatic potential of patient-derived colon cancer initiating cells.
Puig I, Chicote I, Tenbaum SP, Arqués O, Herance JR, Gispert JD, Jimenez J, Landolfi S, Caci K, Allende H, Mendizabal L, Moreno D, Charco R, Espin E, Prat A, Elez ME, Argiles G, Vivancos A, Tabernero J, Rojas S, Palmer HG.
Clin Cancer Res 2013; 19(24): 6787-801.
DOI:10.1158/1078-0432 CCR-12-1740
EURECCA colorectal: multidisciplinary management: Euroepan consensus conference colon & rectum.
Vande Velde C, Boelens P, Borras JM, Coebergh J, Caervantes A, Blomvqvist L, Beets-Tan RG, van den Broek CB, Brown G, Van Cutsem E, Espin E, Haustermans K, Glimelius B, Iversen LH, van Krieken JH, Marjinen CA, Henning G, Gore.-Booth J, Meldolesi E, Mroczkowsi P, Nagtegaal I, Naredi P, Ortiz H, Pahlman L, Quirke P, Rodel C, Roth A, Rutten H, Schmoll H, Smith J, Tanis P, Taylor C, Wibe A, Wiggers T, Gambacorta MA, Aristei C, Valentini V.
Eur J Cancer (2013), Oct 31
doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2013.06.048. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 24183379
Experts reviews of the multidisciplinary consensus conference colon and rectal cancer 2012: Science, opinions and experiences from the experts of surgery.
van de Velde CJ, Boelens PG, Tanis PJ, Espin E, Mroczkowski P, Naredi P, Pahlman L, Ortiz H, Rutten HJ, Breugom AJ, Smith JJ, Wibe A, Wiggers T, Valentini V.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Nov 8. pii: S0748-7983(13)00861-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2013.10.013. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 24268926 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Delphi consensus statement: Quality indicators for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Comprehensive Care Units.
Calvet X, Panés J, Alfaro N, Hinojosa J, Sicilia B, Gallego M, Pérez I, Lázaro Y de Mercado P, Gomollón F; Members of the Consensus Group:.
J Crohns Colitis. 2013 Nov 29. pii: S1873-9946(13)00376-0.
doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2013.10.010. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 24295646 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
European evidence based consensus on surgery for ulcerative colitis.
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 2015, 4–25
Oncological outcome following anastomotic leak in rectal surgery.
E Espin, MA Ciga, M Pera, H Ortiz.
Brit J Surg 2015; 102: 416-422
Sacral Nerve Stimulation for fecal incontinence and constipation: a European consensus statement.
Colorectal Disease 2015; 17: O74-O87
Multicenter study of outcome in relation to the type of resection in rectal cancer.
Dis Colon Rectum 2014; 57: 811–822
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000000026
Guidelines for diagnosis, staging and treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer by Grupo Español Multidisciplinar en Cancer Digestivo (GEMCAD)
Guadalupe Aguilar, Santiago Albiol, Julia Alcaide, Martina Alonso, Vicente Alonso, Montserrat Andreu, Jorge Aparicio, Fernando Arias de la Vega, Antonio Arrivi, Juan Ramón Ayuso, Uriel Bohn, Rosa Bouzas, Juana Maria Cano, Carmen Castañón, Antoni Castells, Paula Cerdà, Laura Cerezo, Carles Conill, Miriam Cuatrecasas, Mª Nieves del Pozo, Jose Ignacio Delgado, José M Enriquez-Navascues, Pilar Escudero, Eloy Espín, Rafael Estevan l, Esther Falcó, José Farré, Jaime Feliu, Carlos Fernández-Martos, Ana Isabel Ferrer, Rosa Gallego, Elisa Galvez, Xabier García de Albéniz, Damián García Olmo, Rocío García-Carbonero, Marisa Gómez Dorronsoro, Carlos Gómez Martín, Santiago González Moreno, Ana Hernández, Amparo Iraola, Esther Jímenez, Manuel Cecilio Jiménez, Ismael Jurado, Rubén Leno, Ana León, Elena Martín, Marta Martín, Joan Maurel, José Carlos Méndez, Ramiro Méndez, Pablo Palma, Fernando Pardo, Fernando Pereira, Javier Pérez-Altozano, Elisabet Pérez, Javier Rodríguez, Ana Isabel Ruiz-Casado, Luis Sabater, Luis Sarría, Angel Segura, Isabel Sevilla, Maria Tobeña, Esperanza Torres, Antonio Viudez, Montserrat Zanui, and Miriam Zorrilla
Colorectal Cancer April 2015, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 97-112
European evidence based consensus on surgery for ulcerative colitis
Tom Øresland*, Willem A. Bemelman, Gianluca M. Sampietro, Antonino Spinelli, Alastair Windsor, Marc Ferrante, Philippe Marteau, Oded Zmora, Paulo Gustavo Kotze, Eloy Espin-Basany, Emmanuel Tiret, Giuseppe Sica, Yves Panis, Arne E. Faerden, Livia Biancone, Imerio Angriman, Zuzana Serclova, Anthony de Buck van Overstraeten, Paolo Gionchetti, Laurents Stassen, Janindra Warusavitarne Michel Adamina, Axel Dignass, Rami Eliakim, Fernando Magro, André D’Hoore, On behalf of the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO)
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 2015, 4–25
Morbidity after laparoscopic and open rectal cancer surgery: a comparative analysis of morbidity in octogenarians and younger patients
Landi F, Vallribera F, Rivera JP, Bertoli P, Armengol M, Espin E.
Colorectal Dis Accepted Article' doi: 10.1111/codi.13136
Tankyrase inhibition blocks Wnt/β-catenin pathway and reverts resistance to PI3K and AKT inhibitors in the treatment of colorectal cancer.
Oriol Arqués, Irene Chicote, Isabel Puig, Stephan P. Tenbaum, Guillem Argilés, Rodrigo Dienstmann, Natalia Fernández, Ginevra Caratù, Judit Matito, Daniel Silberschmidt, Jordi Rodon, Stefania Landolfi, Aleix Prat, Eloy Espín, Ramón Charco, Paolo Nuciforo, Ana Vivancos, Wenlin Shao, Josep Tabernero, Héctor G. Palmer
Clin Cancer Res 2015
Published OnlineFirst on July 29, 2015; DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-3081
Multivisceral Resection For Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Prognostic Factors Influencing Outcome
M.J. Mañas, E. Espín, M. López-Cano, F. Vallribera, M. Armengol-Carrasco
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 0: 1– 7, 2015
A Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Study on the Therapeutic Effect of Gastrografin in Prolonged Postoperative Ileus After Elective Colorectal Surgery
Sebastiano Biondo, Jordi Miquel, Eloy Espin-Basany, Jose Luis Sanchez, Thomas Golda, Ana Maria Ferrer-Artola, Antonio Codina-Cazador, Ricardo Frago, Esther Kreisler
World J Surg (2016) 40:206–214
DOI 10.1007/s00268-015-3260-9
EuroSurg: a new European student-driven research network in surgery.
EuroSurg Collaborative
Col Dis 2016 'Accepted Article', doi: 10.1111/codi.13260
Morbidity after laparoscopic and open rectal cancer surgery: a comparative analysis of morbidity in octogenarians and younger patients
Landi F, Vallribera F, Rivera JP, Bertoli P, Armengol M, Espin E.
Colorectal Dis 2015; 18: 459-467
doi: 10.1111/codi.13136
Low anterior resection syndrome: a survey of the members
of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS),
the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC), and the Spanish
Society of Coloproctology (AECP)
Luis Miguel Jimenez-Gomez, Eloy Espin-Basany, Marc Marti-Gallostra,
Jose Luis Sanchez-Garcia, Francesc Vallribera-Valls, Manuel Armengol-Carrasco.
Int J Colorectal Dis 2016
DOI 10.1007/s00384-016-2511-z
Preventing parastomal hernia using a modified Sugarbaker technique with composite mesh during laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection. A randomized controlled trial.
Lopez Cano M, Serra-Aracil X, Mora, L, Sanchez-Garcia JL, Jimenez-Garcia L;, Marti M, Vallribera F, Fraccalvieri D, Serracant A, Kreisler E, Biondo S, Espin E, Navarro S, Armengol M.
Ann Surg 2016 DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001684
Pathologic response grade after long-course neoadjuvant chemoradiation does not influence morbidity in locally advanced mid-low rectal cancer resected by laparoscopy.
Landi F, Espin E, Rodrigues V, Vallribera F, Martinez A, Charpa C, Brunei F, Azoulay D, de’Angelis N.
Int J Colorectal Dis 2016 DOI 10.1007/s00384-016-2685-4
Published on line 19 october 2016
Publicaciones nacionales (año actual)
Variabilidad interhospitalaria de la mortalidad postoperatoria en el proyecto del cáncer de recto de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos. La influencia del volumen quirúrgico
Héctor Ortiz , Sebastiano Biondo, Antonio Codina , Miguel A Ciga ,
Jose M. Enrıíquez-Navascués , Eloy Espín , Eduardo García-Granero, y José V Roig
Cir Esp. 2016; 94 (1): 22-30
Influencia del volumen quirúrgico en los resultados oncológicos después de estandarizar la cirugía en el Proyecto Español del cancer de recto.
Héctor Ortiz , Antonio Codina , Miguel A Ciga , Sebastiano Biondo,
Jose M. Enrıíquez-Navascués , Eloy Espín , Eduardo García-Granero, y José V Roig
Cir Esp. 2016; 94 (8): 442-452
- Secretario de la ESCP (European Society of Coloprcotology) (2013-2017)
- Miembro de la ESCP (European Association of Coloproctology)
- International Fellow and member of ASCRS (American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons)
- Miembro y actual vicepresidente de la AECP (Asociación Española de Colproctologia)
- Member of the steering committee of S-ECCO (European Corhn’s and Colitis Organization-Surgery)
- Revisor de Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery, Colorectal Disease, Cirugia Española, entre otras.
- Miembro del Editorial Board of Colorectal Disease (Desde Sept-2016)